After Apricots (TR/DE/US)
Lara Mehling & Bahar Akgün
“Our work tests the limits of decorative language as a new form of meaning-making in architecture and design. We promote the notion of beauty as a critical tool for understanding the power and effect of ornament in a secular environment and its potential to communicate a multiplicity of perspectives today.”
See their work on afterapricots.com
Lake Gazebo, An optical device created in collaboration with Bach Mühle Fuchs

Bach Mühle Fuchs (CH)
Daniel Fuchs,
Philippe Grossenbacher
& Simon Mühlebach
“We are interested in the performance of space. What can a house do beyond its intended function? How can architecture bring added value to society, challenge the social rules of coexistence, create order or disorder, generate feelings of happiness, sadness, understanding, serenity, relaxation, of sublimity, of recreation, making a context readable, clarifying existing qualities, surprising us or challenging the discipline?”
See their work on bach-muehle-fuchs.ch
Lake Gazebo, An optical device created in collaboration with After Apricots

Will Beckers (NL)
“I always imagine what it would be like if my works were integrated over time. Time is an additional dimension that is often forgotten; it allows a sculpture to evolve in symbiosis with its environment. My work is about showing the transience of life and the regeneration of our natural world.”
See his work on willbeckers.com