Luce Moreau (FR)

Part nature and part technology, Brèches mécaniques by Luce Moreau is a 3D-printed wax honeycomb. Placed in a tree in Haras Park to provide bees with a new home, it awaits its future residents!
Luce Moreau creates models and replicas of honeycomb as it exists in nature. She installs her structures in various places to see how (or whether) wild swarms appropriate them. Today bees symbolize the exponential deterioration of natural habitats and constitute a gauge of the overall state of nature. One apocalyptic scenario is that if bees go extinct, so will humans. Between dystopia and future fact, this installation raises hopes.

Born in 1982, visual artist and photographer Luce Moreau lives and works in Marseille (France). A cofounder of the OTTO Prod collective/association, since 2006 she has worked on curatorial and artist-in-residence projects while continuing her artistic research. Her work is exhibited regularly in digital arts festivals such as GAMERZ (Aix-en-Provence) and KIKK (Namur, Belgium).

VenueHarasOpen the map

Introduced and implemented in 2020

As part of the Annecy-Lausanne NATUROPOLIS project

Suggested by our partner
Le Rucher du Haras

Installation subject to schedules
Open frome Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 10pm

Produced by the association Jardins Fabriques – Le Rucher du Haras with the support of the service Paysages et Biodiversité, Culture et Animation de la Commune nouvelle d’Annecy and the festival Annecy paysages – Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy.

The project Brèches Mécaniques (2017-2021) is co-produced by OTTO-Prod, DDA Art Contemporain, MIND – One Bee; with the support of DICRéAM – CNC, Région SUD and the City of Marseille.

Le Rucher du Haras