PrésencesKasia Ozga (FR/PL/US)

Light silhouettes, swimmers of the impossible float between tree trunks, carried by invisible currents. Who are these mysterious Presences haunting the woods along the Art and Nature trail on the Ferme de Chosal*. Kasia Ozga’s braided-wicker figures flirt tenderly with the trees and mock gravity. What if one morning we suddenly could all do this?

Forests are magical places where you can imagine anything. Ozga peoples it with flying swimmers, imaginary beings evoking the very real Ferme de Chosal workers who helped make them. The silhouettes floating in the woods are theirs: human presences looking to live in harmony together. Their delicate wicker blends into the landscape and tells us about the vital mutual bond between humans and nature. Each silhouette is unique, but represents a shared desire to imagine another world and propel ourselves into the future. To a peaceful time when light, serene souls can swim in the heart of the forest.

*As part of the Pôle Land Art Départemental (PLAD), the Ferme de Chosal is progressively creating a trail with works made its workers with disabilities during creative workshops, and works made every year by artists in residences.


Since 2018, in partnership with Annecy paysages, three works have been created this way during these residencies: Moebius inception by Pedro Marzorati (2018), La cause commune by Bob Verschueren (2019), and D’un monde à l’autre by Gilles Bruni (2020).

Born in Warsaw (Poland) in 1981, Kasia Ozga grew up in the United States and has lived in France since 2006. She focuses primarily on sculpture, installation, and environmental art. A graduate of the Fine Arts Academy of Cracow, the College of Fine Arts in Boston, and Université Paris VIII, she has been awarded several prizes for her work and been an artist in residence numerous times. She exhibits her work in the United States and 10 other countries.


VenueLa Ferme de Chosal / Copponex (hors Annecy)Open the map

Created in 2021

Suggested by our partner

La Ferme de Chosal / Pôle Land Art Départemental

98 route de l’Usine Chosal, 74350 COPPONEX
Téléphone : +33 (0)4 50 44 12 82

La Ferme de Chosal